Review of Map: Aquabots by Star on September 29, 2002

Playability: 90 Detail: 99 Balance: 90 Placement: 81 Mechanics: 90

The map consists of two bases and lots of water. The bases are really well done. They look exactly how you would expect a structure to look like in this environment. They have really nice visuals inside such as pipes running throughout the halls with steam coming out of them at junctions. I liked how a pipe ran into each one of the generators giving the whole network of pipes a sense of purpose. I also liked the derelict sensors and turrets in that one room. They give it a sense of a storage room.

I said the map has something for everyone. If you're a "go it on foot" type of a player, the water will not slow you down. It has been tickered to not overly inhabit movement so you can be on your way to your goal. If you're a vehicle person, there is a vehicle pad to suit your needs. If you're a defenseman, you'll find the corridors and generators a challenging asset to defend. As for flag defense, turrets can be set up in many places in the flag area. The flag area is semi-closed but someone could ski in and out fairly fast. I good bomb run might be able to sneak a bomb into the area through one of the corner windows.

The bots are so-so on this map. First of all, it should be noted that bots normally do not work well on a water map. However, on this map they guard the flag, attack the enemy, etc. They have trouble getting out of the water by the enemy base and into the base, especially with the base turrets shooting at them all the while. I like maps with bot support, so I felt the effort directed toward making them work on this map was worth mentioning.